Friday, February 26, 2016

" If you do what's right, if you live the right way you'll be taken care of." -Rachel Castillo

" If you do what's right, if you live the right way you'll be taken care of."
-Rachel Castillo
    This quote is short but it has a lot of  meaning behind it. I think that this quote means is that if you do the good, respectful things in life people will look at  you and see that in any predicament you are in people will see you and help you. be a person with good character traits can lead to friendship, good quality,and etc. People Will want to hangout with you more just because of who you are as a person not because on how you look. For example if Someone sees you and wants to talk to you or hangout and they find out that you are a good person and that you always do the right thing they will sometimes say no because they think you are like a goody  goody .  But you shouldn't listen to them you should only care for yourself and not for anyone else unless, they are like part of your family or friends will you should care for them also. But most of all you should only care for yourself and not think about what other people will say about you. The good things in life you do you'll get reward not on money but on feelings and how you will get treated .

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

-Arnold H. Glasgow

" In life as in football, you won't go far unless you know where the goalpost are"
-Arnold H. Glasgow
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This quote says a lot even though it is a small quote. What i think this quote means is that if you don't know what your are going or doing in your life you will just stay in the same spot and you wont move anywhere. But if you actually have in mind what you are going to do in your life then it will be so much easier because you already planned it and know what you are going to do first. Lets say if you are a student who is always organized and you know this kid who isn't. Who do you think is going to get what they want? Well the people who have a plan will most likely get what they want in life other than the kid who doesn't really do much. Some people think and see that others may enter college and they didn't do nothing much to get into that position. They will want to just stay the same because of  how that person acted. But everyone is different and you shouldn't compare yourself to those people. That's why this quote says you either do something that will make you get closer to your goal or just sit there and wait for a miracle to happen to you

Monday, February 22, 2016

" Only those live who do good." - Count Leo Tolstoy

" Only those live who do good."
- Count Leo Tolstoy
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I think that this quote quote has a strong impact to what its trying to say because its basically saying that if you always do something that you are supposed to then you'll always be Happy and have energy to do things. That's why most people who help and do good things always have a good feeling at the end because they like doing the right thing. For example people who do drugs ended up not being happy because it messes up their personality and there body. But people who don't do that get to enjoy life in a better way. Doing good things will make you feel better about yourself and to those around you . 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

"whats right isn't always popular. Whats popular isn't always right" -Albert Einstein

"whats right isn't always popular. Whats popular isn't always right"
-Albert Einstein
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i think that this quote means that don't do something that may seem cool or something but on how bad it is. People shouldn't follow peoples footsteps and do what they are doing but think about whats a bad thing that they are going through when doing it. For example some teenagers may think that smoking is like the #1 cool thing to do in the US but its not they dont realize that it can affect you and others around you. Also, if you see your friends at a party and they offer you a drink don't take it because it will affect your body. So just say no and dont act like the other people around you be more mature and respect yourself and others around you. Doing something like helping is always a good thing to do because in the future someone will help you also. So dont think that everything people do on the internet is good for you first think about some consequences and then decide if its really worth it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

-Dr. Ben Carson

" i hated poverty. poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that. it depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it."
-Dr. Ben Carson
Image result for ben carson
this quote is saying that you shouldn't care about what is going on around you , you should only care about yourself. Some of us may live in a society where  people don't accept one another but we shouldn't let that get to us . we should only think about the positive things and prove those people wrong that you have the power to do better thing than those people who say negative things. If we let those things get to us we will never be able to accomplish anything . Alos you should just be yourself and care for who you are as a person and not those people who dont even know you.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

" you can't be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right"
-Thomas S. Monson

"Presidents Day"

Monday February 15

Image result for Presidents day show honor and respect
Presidents day is an American Holiday that is celebrated on the 3rd Monday of February. It was originally established on 1885 of recognition of George Washington. The purpose of celebrating Presidents day is so that we can recognized the presidents to help serve our country. Presidents Day is on February 15 or also on the 3rd Monday of February. A way to show respect and honor is by celebrating Abraham Lincoln and George Washington's birthday. Also we can place candles near the American Flag and Honor the people who help serve our country.
Image result for Presidents day show honor and respect

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Enthusiasm makes the difference"
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Image result for Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
i think that this says that if you are really not confident and think that you aren't good at doing certain things that is what makes you feel left out and makes you act that certain way.  When some people get 100% on a test and someone else gets like 70% that doesn't mean that the  person who got 100% is smart it just means that he put a lot of effort in his work and studied other than the person who didn't do those things and 70%.Having enthusiasm makes a person be and feel stronger and more confident about themselves even though some might be lazy but at the same time they are carrying that enthusiasm and make a change in themselves that they should work harder. the more a person tries the more likely they are going to accomplish a goal.Also, don't think that you are just a person who doesn't know something or who isn't smart your wrong, everyone is smart and talented its just if you want to get that talent to prove everyone that you aren't dumb 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Music Producer

Duties and responsibilities: they help singers construct music . they use different routines they use different types of tools to amplify the sound better.
Salary: $55,000
Education; Bachelor degree

Picture Image result for music producer education
Reflection; i want to be this because i really like music and also ive been worjking on makeing some songs.