Monday, October 26, 2015

" A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."

Proverbs 22:1

this quote has many ways to be read some may say that this is a positive quote may say its not. this quote has its own opinion. S o when people identify themselves as rich they don't think about how people have or are seeing them as if they just care about the money and they don't think about the wrong choices they did.
some people just want to be better than other people so they buy the most expensive things.even kids act like this they want to act like cool kids or they want to be better than the other kids. some kids do tantrums just because they dont get what they want.
that doenst mean we shollud all act lik badpeople we should all just respect for what we ahve and not complain, because some kids or people dont have what we have that is more vasluable to them but its less valuable for us because we see it all then time. so just respect for what you have because if you do youll have a happier life them the peole who dont like what they and that want much more stuff.
Image result for people who don't like what they have
Image result for people who don't like what they have
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and Responsibilities:  Healthcare Administrators help out in the clinics, hospitals and other places. They also keep track on what is happening in the office or place that they are in. They supervise on what the doctors and nurses are doing will they are working. They control finances or any personal information the client has.
Salary: 684,821 per year
Education: Bachelor’s degree (4 years)
Picture:         healthcare administration image1

Reflection: No, I wouldn’t like to be a healthcare administrator because I’m not as organized in my work so no.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this world"

Image result for coach k

                  -Coach K

I think that this quote is inspiring because people always consider themselves a bad person just because on how the name may sound. but i think if we just give ourselves a chance we might be able to look differently to one another because they will be able to know or recognize who we are in reality as a person. IF people have confidence in themselves they might be able to accomplish somethings in life. And will have an original name and will be known for what he or she does best. people will recognize you and will appreciate for who you are not on your name, gender, religion, and race but for what you are good at as a person and for what you have accomplished in your life time. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Image result for thomas s monson
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong,  you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
Thomas s. Monson

i believe that this quote is saying the truth because we all may consider some people as"friends" but in reality were just with them for like fame an popularity and we shouldn't care for those things cause then they will want you to do bad things. the bad things you that will the fame you'll get . people will just start to use you an then they will just consider you as "goody-goody" and its wrong for people to get treated like that. that's why if we see someone endanger because of that we should stand up for them even though they might be doing something bad they still need help to try and stop acting the way they are acting.even though all of this i do agree with this quote.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ear, Nose and thoart

Duties and responsibilities: The ENT are specialist who make treatments and help people who have any type of disease or infection. They help if you have any type of cancer or infection in you ear , nose and throat.

Salary: $205,000 a year

Education:  A bachelor degree in science. 1 year in general surgery, 4 years of otolaryngology

Image result for ent specialist

reflection: no i wopuldnt like to become a ENT specialist because i dont have no intersetn in those type of things.

" A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself "
Noemi Trigueros

What i think of this quote is that it all depends on if you choose that decision to become a CTR champion. Some may say that they would but that doesn't change the fact that they might be only doing that to get better as a person. people all around us may have been a champion maybe of something else other than being a CTR person. You decide either you want to be a ctr person or be whatever you want to be in life.Also don't let anyone change your of being yourself because then you wont be happy for how your acting, they way people see you as, and especially on how you have since before then change until now.

  Image result for ctr champion

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"Success is not an accident.Success is actually a choice.Are habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"
   -Alan Stein
Image result for alan stein

-What i think this quote means is that everyone is able to be successful in our life without success in our life we will become failures and we wont be able to achieve anything in life. That's why we need to work hard and not let no one bring us down while we are trying  to be successful we all need to have that belief that we are one day in life that we are going to be successful. an example of being successful is when you get all A's and u get accepted into college that is a way of being successful. don't let no one bring you down.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Image result for james e faust
" when obedience becomes our goal, its no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block."

what this quote means is that obedience is a way to succeed in life you need to take risk in life in order to do great things in life. some people may not even think this is real and  they just leave it as is .
people aren't perfect in life so there are so many who failed the first time and they never give up they keep on trying.they just go for it they don't hesitate they just go for it. Don't be a person who gives up just keep on trying and you will be able to be something amazing in life.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

sometimes we all need to take a break  from all those rough moments and remember that your still alive  and  you should be grateful for that
Quote#3       valentina
"Sometimes we think were useless but we don't  realize that's what makes us our self to become a better person"
quote #2    valentina camarena
" Memories take us back and dreams take us forward"
          - Valentina Camarena

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

" the primary  object of all sound education"

what this quote means is that we need obedience in our education. Because if we don't
we will not be well educated and we will  not become anything in  life and we will be a CTW person and we should all be a CTR person all the time.

Image result for elizabeth missing sewell

Duties and responsibilities: A dermatologist, a person who takes care of the hands anything related to skin. They help treated any type of diseases on the skin surface.
Salary: $283,000
Education: they need to go to college, earn a bachelor degree; they need to become an MD and a DO (medical doctor and doctor of osteopathic medicine 

Reflection: no I wouldn’t like to become a dermatologist because it seems boring to me.