" A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches."
Proverbs 22:1
this quote has many ways to be read some may say that this is a positive quote may say its not. this quote has its own opinion. S o when people identify themselves as rich they don't think about how people have or are seeing them as if they just care about the money and they don't think about the wrong choices they did.
some people just want to be better than other people so they buy the most expensive things.even kids act like this they want to act like cool kids or they want to be better than the other kids. some kids do tantrums just because they dont get what they want.
that doenst mean we shollud all act lik badpeople we should all just respect for what we ahve and not complain, because some kids or people dont have what we have that is more vasluable to them but its less valuable for us because we see it all then time. so just respect for what you have because if you do youll have a happier life them the peole who dont like what they and that want much more stuff.
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