These two men were both winners but one lost and the other one cheated. In the videos demonstrated Malik Stewart lost but still one to himself and to the rest of the people in the crowd bcause he knew that he tried his best and made someone really happy. But in the other hand Roman Chapa cheated by using a taser to make his horse run faster he thought that if he had that hidden no one would see it but in reality the camera man saw and took a picture just in time before the passing or winning line. What do you prefer to have or be. Would you rather be malik Stewart who lost but still won in his own heart or you'd rather be Roman chapa who cheated but using a taser
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
" i would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating"
I believe that this quote means that if you do something that is wrong you can at least try again but if you win at something and it didn't really come out of you than you are only lying to yourself and not to others. One example can be that if you are copying someone on the test and you get a 100% and your partner gets 100% percent your partner will tell you good job dude but in your mind hes telling you why did you copy me. look the point is dont do something if you know you wont be happy with the results do something that you will be proud of and have real emotions when it happens. Don't just think that oh i dont like him so im going to cheat and prove him that im better than him. No that's not the way to a successful life you have to work hard not just with yourself, work smart not physically but mentally when to say yes and when to say no. and also work together if you dont understand something ask and get the help and if someone doesn't understand something help them and say oh to bad no just help. the reason why i said work hard, work smart, and work together because these are the steps to be a CTR person and those people make good decision and correct ones 24/7 so be a rebel be angel and do hard way and not the easy way.
Memorial Day Weekend
well, my memorial day weekend was great. But i did go to my nephew and nieces first communion. She was kinda excited and as well as my nephew because my sister was going to throw a huge party for them. This happened on Saturday, my mom, my other sister, my little niece,and myself went to my older sisters house early to go get the things set up. We were helping well the adults were i and was just taking care of the little ones. Like around 4 we started to head to the church for the big ceremony and i really enjoyed it because the priest was talking about how we should be connected to one another in our community. We should help and talk to one another to show our love to god and teach others that doing good things is a way that we can find our faith with god. The ceremony was really inspiring and it really made me think even more about what i should do to help the community. Well, after that we just went back to the house and started to party it was really great and fun. On Sunday i went to church i am part of the missionary group of the "Choro" at the church St.Martha I play guitar and also help with the singing.That Sunday of mass the priest was talking about getting united as one and how we can find our way to god. I really enjoy going to church not only to play the instrument to make music for everyone but to listen to the word of god. I feel that if i am there to listen to what is trying to tell us i get more connected to him not just physically as if im just there listening and sitting down quietly but also opening myself to let god in. As soon as the mass finished it was also father Augustin's Birthday and we went to go celebrate it for him he was happy that we were there to spend time with him and make him as if he was home. On Monday it was Memorial Day i didn't really do much But my family and i went to go eat in the morning and we were just talking about hos are day went. When we had finished we went home and we were doing some arron's and we came up to this lady and asked her if she needed help she looked as if she was in her 60's or something and she said " Id be gladly appreciated for your integrity to help me" That made me feel something i never felt before. I felt honored as if i just received an award. as soon as i took her things to her car she told me "good things will come if you have your mind straight and ready to go" I told her that there is no need for anything in return the only thing i got back was your thank-you. As the lady was leaving my mom extended her arms and told me that she was proud of me and that having a pure heart will make the right decision and will make you happy.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Memorial Day
“ Memorial Day”

Memorial day is an American Holiday observed on the last Monday of may. Memorial Day honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Nut it was originally known as the Decoration day. It originated in the years following the civil war and become an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans recognize memorial day by visiting cemeteries or other locations.The Purpose of Memorial Day is to recognize those people have died to help serve our country. Memorial day is on May 30 or the last Monday of May. This day also marks when summer begins so it’s really helpful to know when memorial day is so you can know its almost summer. Some ways to show honor and respect on memorial day is by praying for those who help serve our country. Visit a local cemetery of pure veterans and thank them for how much work they had done for us. Be part of the community. Donate to charity that supports our military in ways our government does not.Somethings i will do to honor Memorial day is by helping others and giving back to the community and helping those who are less fortunate.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
“ If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, I’m, going to succeed.”
-Dan Dierdorf
I believe this quote has a strong meaning because its saying that you may have some things that are correct but they can sometimes not take you anywhere but if you are always doing the right thing you will get achievements and move on in life. Not everything in life is going to be easy there will be sometimes that you may have to work really hard to make things right. But if you know that you are a kind, respectful, trustworthy person life won't be as difficult as those who are trying not to be like you. As What Dan said doing the right thing will take you places. Doing things that seem correct may sometimes drift and take in another direction and you may not be able to find your way back. Doing things like helping treating someone right will take you places you have never thought you would get there. Why, because that who you decide to be and you got reward for doing something you would have never thought you would get there.
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities: Wellness Specialist work for schools, local governments, companies or other organizations to suggest, support and train people on their health and fitness goals. The main duties of a wellness specialist are to educate the public on how to
improve their daily choices, prevent illness or access local resources. They also develop programs and events to teach people about health topics.Lastly they help people find health services or information.
Salary: A median annual wage for the Wellness specialist is $51,960 in May 2015.
Education: You need a degree related in nursing, fitness or sports medicine.
Also a Bachelors Degree is needed. In some cases you may also need or you should get is a Master's Degree or a Doctoral Degree.
Demand for this profession: It is expected to grow 13% from 2014 to 2024.

Reflection: i wouldn't like to become a Wellness specialist because i am not even on top of my health and what makes me think that ill be able to help someone else with their health if i cant even help myself. I mean if that was the only job or career i mean sure but like i said earlier i am not the type of person who is really interested in doing that.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
-Dr. Laura Schlessinger
" The reward for doing right is mostly and internal Phenomenon: self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self-esteem."
-Dr. Laura Schlessinger
I think that this quote has a strong meaning because it show how we as people should act that certain way. Acting a certain way can either get you good things or bad things depending on what consequences you decide to take. It all depends sometimes people who have the true potential to do things that are right get to go places. People say that even though you do good things you dont always get something in return but that not what is supposed to matter what matters most in if you feel happy and you are an internal Phenomenon. set yourself a goal and accomplish that goal and youll get reward much better than money or fame youll get rewarded by the internal Phenomenon. so dont just sit there and wait for a miracle to happen because you are your own miracle waiting to happen. Keep dong what your doing but do it with ganas you got this make your own reward spot on and make others think about how you act and help others. '-'
Sports medicine
Duties and responsibilities: They help professionals and amateur athletes stay healthy or recover from an injury.They work with surgeons, physical therapist, physiologist and nutritionists and coaches to help patients recovery.
Education: Bachelors Degree, M.D. and D.O. which is Doctor of osteopathy
Demand for this Profession: Expected to grow 18% for all physicians and surgeons
Reflection: I would not like to become this because I'm not interested in doing this. There isn't really a reason for me not to like this but i just don't feel i will be happy doing this career or job. That's just my opinion on this topic.
Duties and responsibilities: They help professionals and amateur athletes stay healthy or recover from an injury.They work with surgeons, physical therapist, physiologist and nutritionists and coaches to help patients recovery.
Education: Bachelors Degree, M.D. and D.O. which is Doctor of osteopathy
Demand for this Profession: Expected to grow 18% for all physicians and surgeons
Reflection: I would not like to become this because I'm not interested in doing this. There isn't really a reason for me not to like this but i just don't feel i will be happy doing this career or job. That's just my opinion on this topic.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Phillip Riggs Four Success TIPS
Phillip Riggs Four Success TIPS
- Work Hard.
- Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
- Don't chase after money
- Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.
I believe this tips will actually help me int the long run and as well to others because when i was little my mom had told me these things as well. In my family we get what we want and well my brother at the moment is a director in movies and he loves doing that even though he gets home late he still doesn't complain about it. hes always told me you have the power to be and become someone more important than anyone else why because you are you and no one can stop unless god wants you to. I am a type of person who is an extrovert i would go for the kill and make me life the best as i can possibly make it. i dont care if people judge me think a certain way about me i really dont care why because i know im not that type of person who would act like that. That's why i feel like these tips can actually help me in the long run not just me but everyone else. Do something you love doing dont do it to make others happy do it to make yourself happy.
World Records
One of World Records is the Stretchiest skins. Then world record holder of the stretchiest skin is Garry Turner. This world record was set on October 29,1999.
One of World Records is the Stretchiest skins. Then world record holder of the stretchiest skin is Garry Turner. This world record was set on October 29,1999.
the world record that fascinates me most is the longest nails.I am fascinated about this world record because i dont know how people could let their nails grow super long and not let them get broken or dirty. Also, How do they do things with long nails and when they do want to cut them will it hurt them when they cut them or will they leave there fingers all gross.I probably would like to break a World record not because of the fame or anything but to have people think that what ever you are doing can actually hurt you and you shouldn't attempt doing those things. But if i would do it i would do the longest living woman i dont know why just to see if living along time can actually make a change in the world.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
"You knew what i was when you picked me up"

The video states a lesson which is followed by a quote" In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing." and so there was and youth Indian Boy who climbed to the top of the mountain. When he reached the top he saw a rattle snake and the rattlesnake to him to help him and take him down to the mountain because he was cold. But the Indian boy said oh no i know what you are and you can kill me in an instant. He did the right decision but the snake keep on insisting and told him that the Indian boy was special and he wouldn't do that. So he listened. On the way down the reached the floor and as soon as the Indian boy placed him down the snake Bit him and told him"You knew what i was when you picked me up" And he left the Indian boy out to die. So now we that if someone offers you something don't take it and just remember the quote and keep in mind to make good decisions and not let no one get ion your way.
- Theodore Roosevelt
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