Thursday, June 2, 2016

E. coli

E. coli
Image result for e coli
What is E. Coli? 
E.Coli is a type of bacteria that normally lives in the intestines of people and animal. However, some types of e.coli like in particular E.coli 0157:H7 can casue intestinal bleeding. Some symptons of this intestinal infection include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. More severe cases can lead to bloody diarrhea, dehydration, or even kidney failure.  people with weakend immune systems, pregnant women, young children, and other adults are at increased risk for developing these complications.

General Mills issues major flour recall afer E.coli outbreaks. The geneeral mills  has recalled over 10 million pounds of flour after 38 people in 20 states got sick from a potenially deadly strain of e.coli that may originated in the comapanys products. The federal centers for disease control and prevetnion said that on a tuesday there have been 10 hospitalizations associated with the outbreak linked up with the flour. So far there have been 0 deaths related to this disease. they are been on track of what was been placed in the flour while in the process of making there cereal or some other treat or snack. In this case E.coli 0121 was found and is less common strian of the E.coli bacteria.  
 The event or issue is realted to me in some way becaseu we all eat cereal and if we dont check our things before we buy them or after we buy them. This disease can harm not just on ly me but to the rest of the world and it can actually affect the company and they will be forced to be shut down if they didnt fix the issue. But furthermore said we should just be careful with what we buy and not just get something because it looks good but becaseu it supposed to be healthy.

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