Monday, April 4, 2016

George Mitchell-Don't do it.

" Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, bit it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."
  -George Mitchell, Senate majority leader, Presidential Medal of freedom, Disney chairman of the board.
Image result for george mitchell
I believe that George Mitchell has a point because if you think about it cheating doesn't solve anything it just makes things worse. By reading what he had to say about cheating well, i once went through that phase which was either i do what is right to do or just do it because it will make me look good and feel cool. Well, i did the wrong thing i didn't do the correct decision which was to not do the wrong thing. I'm not going to say what it was because its not important. the only important hing right now as you are reading is that you need to start deciding if you plan to be a ctr person or a person who chooses the wrong when you need to do whats right. Doing things that aren't right to do doesn't solve a problem it makes it worse why because you know that you choose that decision and that's what makes it wrong. If you feel that you have to cheat don't do it or if you have to do something that involves cheating don't do it . Why? Reason why is because doing whats right makes you a strong a person not just psychically but also mentally. just stay away from the bad things or you'll end  up feeling miserable at the end.

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